mercredi 25 juillet 2018

Questions Regarding Video & How It Ties Into Web Design In New York

By Arthur Williams

Do you feel as though your site is struggling to engage users as much as it should? In this situation, it might pay to give consideration to video, which has become a successful trend in web design in New York and abroad. Developing video content can be tricky if you don't know what to do. For a better understanding of what this practice entails, and how it goes into web design, here are a few questions worth asking.

"What's the ideal length of a video for a website?" First, you have to ask what type of video you'd like to create. Are you looking to develop a testimonial featuring a single person? What about a demonstration of a product or service you provide? Ideal video lengths will vary, which is why it's in your best interest to play with different options. This will make it easier to provide high-quality content that the likes of Lounge Lizard can approve of.

"What are the rules regarding auto-play?" The most cardinal rule to follow, when it comes to videos that play on website, is to disable auto-play. You don't want someone to visit your site, only for the content in question to immediately play afterward. This can hinder the user experience, all but guaranteeing that the visitor won't be coming back again. If you provide video content, give the user the option as to whether they'd like to play it.

"How can I ensure that my video will be effective?" No matter how great your equipment or content is, it won't matter unless it produces results. To ensure its effectiveness, a video should provide a call to action. This can be something as simple as visiting a certain page or signing up for a newsletter. Whatever the case may be, when a viewer performs an additional action, it speaks to the effectiveness of the content itself.

As you can see, there is much to know about video content and how it can make any website better. It's important to keep the details covered earlier in mind when developing such content, whether it's to promote a product, offer information, or what have you. Furthermore, it should coincide with your site in a seamless way. If it appears to slow down or hinder the performance of your site, see if you can better optimize your videos so that this doesn't become an ongoing issue.

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vendredi 6 juillet 2018

Why Redesigns Matter To Every Website Design Company

By Arthur Williams

It's not enough to simply create a website and let it exist. Web design companies across the board can tell you that it's equally important for the site in question to stay modern. This brings us to the topic of redesigns, which are performed for a number of reasons. For those that are unfamiliar with how these sites are made, and would like greater insight into the matter, the following information should prove useful.

One of the reasons why redesigns matter is the fact that they can help promote smoother user experiences. The more seamless a website is, in terms of how it operates, the more that it will appeal to a larger user base. When a site is clunky or simply unappealing to be logged in on for an extended stretch of time, bounce rate will unfortunately increase. A site may be redesigned to remedy this problem.

Let's say that, for the sake of argument, that you don't have a website that works well across numerous devices. If this is the case, you have to account for the growing importance of responsive web design, which allows your site to be easily used across numerous devices, specifically computers and smartphones. By optimizing your site so that it performs well across the platforms in question, you'll be able to see increased engagement.

Did you know that a website redesign may be needed, at least to some level, due to a new or upcoming product? When you have a new product that's set to be released, it would make sense to make adjustments to your site. This goes far beyond the addition of new graphics, too, as there will be new copy that will have to be written and implemented. When it comes to developing websites, this is another important aspect that must be accounted for.

Finally, a website design can be the direct result of a shift in marketing. After all, when promoting your business, you'll want to make sure that your site is up to the task at hand. One of the prime examples of this is SEO, which is the process by which websites are found on search engines. Everything from the development of meta tags to content creation falls under this umbrella. These elements apply to web design and marketing alike.

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samedi 23 juin 2018

3 Reasons Why Construction Experts Need Web Design Companies

By Arthur Williams

It probably goes without saying that contractors have ample work on their plates. Not only do they have to converse with clients, but they must get their hands dirty to ensure that their projects are completed on time. Regardless, they can gain even more success with the right online presence. For contractors that would like to know how this is done, here are 3 ways that the top web design companies in the world can help you.

There are many benefits that construction contractors stand to gain from web development companies, one of the most important being knowledge. Keep in mind that websites are constantly evolving, even if the changes aren't drastic ones. These shifts matter in the long term, though, as they can make the sites we use more intuitive. Of course, this is just one of the many benefits that authorities such as Lounge Lizard can tell you about.

What about the new business that a construction contractor stands to gain from their high-quality website? Today, the vast majority of people will look up a business online before they reach out to do business with them. When said business seems reputable, either through testimonials, images, or what have you, they will be consulted. The same logic applies to contractors, which is another reason why a strong website is needed.

Lastly, contractors can use their new websites to interact with people. Real-time interaction is one of the most integral pieces of the web design puzzle, as evidenced by the rise of chatbots. To say that these matter would be an understatement, as they serve numerous purposes. Not only can they interact like real people can, but they can provide valuable information when needed. This speaks volumes about digital media and how different industries, construction include, can take advantage of it.

If you're in the construction industry and haven't given much thought to web design, now is the perfect time to do so. As more businesses arise, they are going to have their own online presences to take into account. Why should you be lost in the shuffle in this sense? If you have a solid website that's not only functional but able to showcase your services, chances are that you will find your clientele expanding over the course of time.

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dimanche 17 juin 2018

Wordpress Security Tips By A Website Design Company

By Arthur Williams

WordPress is one of the most popular platforms that any website design company can use. This doesn't mean that it can do everything, though, which brings us to the important topic known as security. If you're using said platform to create a website, how can you be sure that it will be as secure as possible? Here are a few of the most important tips that will ensure that your site stays safe, no matter how long it's online for.

If you want your WordPress site to be secure, the login is where you should begin. To be more specific, when creating an account, the password should be complex yet easy to remember. This can be done with a series of numbers, letters, and special characters. When you include a healthy mix of these, though in a way that doesn't make said password difficult to remember, your site will start to become safe.

Also, if your site starts with http, you might want to upgrade it to https. You may not think that a simple letter change can make a difference, but it's important to note that the latter allows the connection between one's web browser and the web server to become encrypted. As a result, data that is transferred will not fall into the wrong hands. When it comes to security on the web, look out for the https tag.

To make logging into the backend of your site more secure, implement two-factor authentication. With this method in place, it won't be enough to simply enter a password. Instead, a user will also have to submit a code that is submitted to their email or phone. This allows only authorized individuals to log in. While this will require more effort on the part of the user, it provides heightened safety that no website design company can deny.

Finally, as you continue to update your site, back it up. This should be done on a routine basis so that you don't end up losing valuable information or content. Let's say that, for one reason or another, your site is compromised no matter how secure you believe it to be. If the site is wiped out, you will still have a backup that you can work off of. This is a great security measure and, depending on who you ask, the most important one.

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dimanche 3 juin 2018

How Writers Can Benefit From Top Web Design Companies

By Arthur Williams

Writing, for many, is one of the most relaxing, fulfilling art forms in the world. Not only does it allow men and women to create their own worlds, but they have the opportunity to sharpen their skills, whether in relation to spelling, grammar, or what have you. With that said, it's important to understand how they can benefit from top-tier websites. Here is what they should know about the work provided by top web design companies.

One of the ways that top web design companies benefit writers is by implementing a sense of branding. If you're a writer that specializes in horror or crime, you'll want your site to reflect this. Reputable agencies like Lounge Lizard will be able to do this by incorporating dark colors or stylistic text that matches the content being presented. Presentation matters, but it's far from the only factor that plays into web design.

Writers should also know that websites too much media tend to perform slowly. Not only are they more complicated to digest, from a visual standpoint, but they may not perform well on different devices. What this means is that it's in a web designer's best interest to incorporate a "less is more" strategy. Text should the main focus and given that this will be what writers focus on, few problems should arise.

Speaking of simplicity, navigation is another topic that deserves to be discussed in depth. A writer's website is likely to have numerous sections, ranging from the content feed to a contact page. What this means is that a user should be able to click around with ease so that they can get to the material that they need. By keeping this in mind, web developers will be able to create sites that benefit writers and their audiences alike.

While writers know the content that they specialize in, they may not understand what goes into a website. For those that fall under this umbrella, understand that there is plenty of help that you can benefit from, even beyond the information covered here. Not only will your site present your content well, but easy navigation will make for a more seamless user experience. As a result, your work can reach more people.

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dimanche 29 avril 2018

3 Things Web Design Companies Should Know About Writing

By Arthur Williams

The development of a website takes time and effort, though there are many people that may not know what exactly goes into this process. Writing is just one of many elements, but it's important to understand how this is done. There is a level of care that is brought into said endeavor, which a number of web design companies can attest. For those that would like to learn more about writing, in this sense, here are 3 important things to know at the onset.

When it comes to writing for websites - and companies along the lines of Lounge Lizard will agree - keeping things brief goes a long way. Web design companies across the board can agree, especially when you consider that most website visitors want immediate results. This is where smart writing can come into play, providing information in only a few moments. Of course, this is just one of many ways that one's writing can be improved.

Next, make sure that you avoid language that may go over the heads of visitors. While it's fine to have a broad understanding of the English language, it might not help your writing in terms of appealing to your audience. In order to appeal to as many people as possible, keep your language simple and succinct. By doing so, you won't have to worry about anyone being kept out of the loop, which will benefit websites that much more.

It's also worth noting the importance of value, as far as written content is concerned. Let's say that you are in charge of writing material for a food website. Maybe you'd like to focus on nutrition for a month, creating blog posts that will inform people about smart decisions they can make with their meals. This is just one example of value but if it's absent from website content, it may as well not be on the site at all.

For those that are interested in writing for websites, hopefully these tips will provide the foundation you need to get started. There's no denying the fact that writers are needed for web design purposes, but the content that they put forth must be handled with care. Everything from the type of content being produced to how it's written must be considered. The more care that's put into this endeavor, the more that websites will benefit.

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vendredi 27 avril 2018

A Web Design Company's Tips For Nonprofits

By Arthur Williams

If you're starting a nonprofit, there are many areas that you must cover beforehand. Everything from the hiring process to the development of a website must be taken into account. When it comes to the former, a web design company will be able to provide you with the help that you need. For those that would like to know what goes into crafting the perfect site for a nonprofit organization, the following advice is worth heeding.

One of the things that a nonprofit should know, according to names such as Lounge Lizard, is that branding goes a long way. A web design company makes it a point to ensure that the right colors, font styles, and the like are seen on a site. Would a brand like Target, for instance, be as iconic if it didn't have the red target design associated with it? Branding is one of the many important pieces that fit perfectly into the larger website development puzzle.

Simplicity is one of the most important pillars associated with nonprofit website design. When someone clicks on a site, it's fair for them to expect information to be as accessible as possible. The same logic applies to the causes that nonprofits are focused on. If your site can effectively establish the cause in question, not to mention offer additional insight to help visitors understand why they should get involved, engagement will be strong.

You should also make sure that your site is mobile-friendly. Search engines place more emphasis on sites that translate well to several devices, meaning that the same experience should be had across the board. Furthermore, many people use their phones to go online to learn about a litany of topics, nonprofits included. This is all the more reason why web design should be carried out with a mobile focus in place.

Finally, if a nonprofit site is going to be as effective as possible, it must include a call to action. For those that don't know, CTAs are designed to further encourage those that may not have been fully onboard otherwise. When someone knows where to go, or who to call, they will be more likely to get involved and help the cause. If a CTA isn't present, it becomes needlessly difficult for someone to know what to do.

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