mercredi 25 juillet 2018

Questions Regarding Video & How It Ties Into Web Design In New York

By Arthur Williams

Do you feel as though your site is struggling to engage users as much as it should? In this situation, it might pay to give consideration to video, which has become a successful trend in web design in New York and abroad. Developing video content can be tricky if you don't know what to do. For a better understanding of what this practice entails, and how it goes into web design, here are a few questions worth asking.

"What's the ideal length of a video for a website?" First, you have to ask what type of video you'd like to create. Are you looking to develop a testimonial featuring a single person? What about a demonstration of a product or service you provide? Ideal video lengths will vary, which is why it's in your best interest to play with different options. This will make it easier to provide high-quality content that the likes of Lounge Lizard can approve of.

"What are the rules regarding auto-play?" The most cardinal rule to follow, when it comes to videos that play on website, is to disable auto-play. You don't want someone to visit your site, only for the content in question to immediately play afterward. This can hinder the user experience, all but guaranteeing that the visitor won't be coming back again. If you provide video content, give the user the option as to whether they'd like to play it.

"How can I ensure that my video will be effective?" No matter how great your equipment or content is, it won't matter unless it produces results. To ensure its effectiveness, a video should provide a call to action. This can be something as simple as visiting a certain page or signing up for a newsletter. Whatever the case may be, when a viewer performs an additional action, it speaks to the effectiveness of the content itself.

As you can see, there is much to know about video content and how it can make any website better. It's important to keep the details covered earlier in mind when developing such content, whether it's to promote a product, offer information, or what have you. Furthermore, it should coincide with your site in a seamless way. If it appears to slow down or hinder the performance of your site, see if you can better optimize your videos so that this doesn't become an ongoing issue.

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