mercredi 11 octobre 2017

Can Videos Serve Website Development Companies?

By Arthur Williams

When discussing the most important forms of content in the digital age, a convincing argument can be made that video ranks highest. It's easy to see why, as it's not only able to draw the attention of others but provide nearly infinite value. As a matter of fact, you should know that the top web design companies can use this type of content to further their efforts. Here a few reasons why video matters to the companies in question.

Seeing as how more and more websites are becoming mobile friendly, you may not think that video plays much of a role in the design process. However, web design companies understand that some types of content are more worthwhile than others. It's up to the companies in question to make the most out of them, too. Video can be implemented by reputable names such as Lounge Lizard, provided it's done in careful fashion.

Video is vital to the companies in question, and one of the reasons for this is the advent of YouTube. This is, without question, the most notable site for streaming video content. Furthermore, you can click on a video and copy its code, which can then be pasted onto websites so that the content in question shows up there. Don't worry about how it runs on different platforms, though, as YouTube made the process relatively seamless.

What about the fact that video tends to be more effective in terms of informing people? Anyone that has ever followed an instructional clip will tell you that it's easy to mimic steps they see in real time. On the flipside, it can be more difficult to learn if you're only hearing someone or just reading what they've jotted down on a webpage. As far as education is concerned, video is among the most invaluable tools that can be utilized.

For those that have been hesitant about adding videos to their web design projects, understand that there is value in doing so. It's a simple matter of knowing how well-compressed they are, so that they don't take long to load. In the world of SEO, the speed at which a website loads goes a long way in ensuring that it ranks well. Provided you're not careless about adding video, its value will become apparent.

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samedi 30 septembre 2017

The Reasons Why Web Design New York Companies Avoid Flash

By Arthur Williams

On the surface, Flash seems like one of the most useful services for web design New York companies. After all, the service in question can make a website look better, not to mention provide it with animation and special effects that other sites lack. With that said, there are many reasons why the aforementioned companies should avoid using Flash or, at the very least, not make it the primary focus. Hopefully the following information will clear the air on the matter.

One of the reasons why web design New York companies should avoid using Flash is because it typically doesn't perform well on mobile platforms. It can run well on desktop and laptop computers, but these aren't the only devices that people use to access the Internet. Smartphones and tablets are used for this purpose as well, meaning that sites should perform well on these devices. Flash capabilities hinder matters in this respect.

What about SEO, which is one of the most important services that Internet marketing companies will be able to offer? SEO is what helps a number of websites rank, not only on Google but other search engines as well. However, this is largely done through a reliance on text and high-quality written content. Flash cannot be easily read by the search engines in question, meaning that it should not be used for the purpose of ranking.

Perhaps the most prominent negative about Flash is that its importance is declining. After all, the focus on minimalism cannot be ignored, as more and more websites are adopting a "less is more" approach. It seems like more developers are recognizing that websites don't need numerous videos or countless photos to engaging. In order to grab the attention of others, all you need is the tandem of high-quality content and a strong layout to house it.

Despite the positives that Flash has been known for in the past, it's clear that they've diminished over the course of time. Web designers across the board should know that there are alternatives that can be used to build better sites, regardless of what purposes they're meant to serve. Your site can be used for ecommerce, education, or some other purpose entirely. It's a simple matter of how well said platform is developed, which Flash doesn't play a major part in.

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lundi 25 septembre 2017

Web Development Companies: The Content Creation Do's And Don'ts To Know

By Arthur Williams

In order for websites to thrive, they must be brimming with content. Not only should it be easily readable, but it must provide substantial value for target audiences. With that said, content creation can be something of a challenge, which is where the expertise of website development companies can come into play. Here are a few do's & don'ts to be aware of when it comes to this particular endeavor, potentially resulting in greater success.

DO work off of a schedule. According to companies like Lounge Lizard, a schedule makes a huge difference in the realm of content creation. Not only will you be able to plan out the current week's set of posts, but work to be uploaded in the future. This keeps you on track, regardless of what you sell or the industry you specialize in. This is just one of many ways that you can get the most out of your content creation endeavors.

DON'T write content your audience won't take to. Another rule of content creation is to write with your specific audience in mind. Not everyone is going to take to every piece of content, which makes sense given the preferences that people have. If you're going to write a blog for gym rats, for instance, you're going to want to focus on appropriate topics. This is one of the most important rules that website development companies will stress.

DO incorporate a sense of SEO into your content. One of the ways that search engine optimization is being implemented these days is through web design. The content that's showcased must be tailor-made for SEO purposes. Everything from proper keywords to strong links must be used. When these elements are included, it's easy to imagine that they will create higher rankings for companies with smart SEO practices in place.

DON'T overlook the importance of proofreading. The main reason to proofread your work, as you may already be aware of, is to reduce the likelihood of mistakes. Everything from spelling to grammar must be tight, free of any problems that might hinder readability. If you focus on proofreading, your content will be of the highest level of quality. It will be reflected in the increased traffic you will gain, too.

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samedi 16 septembre 2017

3 Things New York Web Design Companies Must Know About Sports Sites

By Arthur Williams

In simple terms, sports are popular. Attending a baseball game or cheering during a wrestling event are some of the most enjoyable pastimes, and the development of sports sites should come as no surprise. Whether they're meant to list stats or report on the news, anyone that specializes in New York web design will tell you that these sites take work. With these 3 tips in mind, this process may not be as taxing as you think.

One of the most important things to know about developing a sports site is to make it as streamlined as possible. This goes for any platform you can think of, ranging from desktop computers to smartphones. When the site in question is smooth to navigate, there's a good chance that it will attract more sports fans. The likes of Avatar New York will attest to the importance of a clean site, emphasizing simplicity above all else.

Sports sites should also be made with interactivity in mind. The best sites tend to be those that allow people to leave comments, which is great for various purposes. Not only will this help a variety of columnists interact with their readers, but this level of interaction will encourage people to visit again. Without this sense of interactivity in place, you won't be able to gain as much traffic as you'd like.

Of course, what good will a sports site be without a healthy amount of content? Not only should there be variety, from weekly editorials to interviews, but the content in question should be added constantly. No matter how well-made a site is, it's not going to rank or perform well unless it has value. Those that work in New York web design agencies will be able to agree that variety matters, not only for sports but other focuses as well.

When it comes to the development of sports sites, these 3 factors are arguably the most important ones that you should keep in mind. The goal is to drive traffic, but you won't be able to do this with content alone. You must possess an understanding of web design, as well as what it is your target audience is looking for. With all of this information at your disposal, you'll be able to create a site that sports fans will return to.

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lundi 11 septembre 2017

Web Development Companies & Why Their Essentiality Grows

By Arthur Williams

In order to be a success in business, regardless of the industry that you're involved in, you require an online presence. This is especially true when discussing official websites, which take time and care to create. For many business owners, this is one of the main reasons why they will look into website design companies. As digital media grows, will these companies be more vital moving forward? The simple answer to this question would be, "yes."

Any web development company will tell you that the Internet at large is something we use on a daily basis. Even if we don't log onto Facebook every day, we still shop, write, and watch videos. Services like these are either facilitated or made possible by the Internet, which is what names like Lounge Lizard will be able to attest. It would make sense for web development to grow as a result of this.

Next, becoming a company owner is relatively easy in the modern day. You don't necessarily need a plan for growth, as many company owners would like to keep their operations small. The need for digital presences matters all the same, which is where high-quality websites come into play. If more people decide to start their own businesses, with varied scopes in place, the need for websites will only grow.

Finally, no matter how well-made a website is, it must be managed over the course of time. This is especially true as new design changes are implemented, making certain sites perform that much better. If your site isn't updated to reflect said changes, not only will its performance suffer but it's possible that it'll be tougher to find on a search engine. Fortunately, a web design company can keep up with these changes as they come.

As you can see, website design matters, particularly when it's carried out by the companies that know it well. You should always have people you can rely on for this purpose if you're unable to carry it out yourself. This is a fact that every business owner should be mindful of, no matter what they specialize in. If you lack a website that functions at a high level, you can kiss any chance of seeing additional business goodbye.

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dimanche 27 août 2017

Website Design Companies: The Do's & Don'ts To Know Regarding Mobile Design

By Arthur Williams

In simplest terms, it's smart for a website to be made with various platforms in mind. This is the key idea behind mobile design, which greatly benefits handheld devices like tablets and smartphones. What you may not know is that this endeavor can be done in both right and wrong ways. For those that are either looking to start or join existing web design companies, here are a few essential do's and don'ts to be mindful of.

DO take pride in simplicity. If you're looking to get into mobile design, understand that simplicity plays a huge role. No site should be overly complicated from an aesthetic standpoint, seeing as how smartphones and tablets can't process information as quickly as computers. This is one of the many reasons why website design companies shifted their efforts accordingly. Reputable authorities along the lines of Lounge Lizard would be hard-pressed to disagree.

DON'T think that your images shouldn't be scalable. As a matter of fact, in the modern world of web design, keeping your images scalable is essential. Not only does this help the images in question adapt to platforms ranging from computers to tablets, but they help make websites look better as well. When an image extends beyond a site's borders, for example, it sticks out like a sore thumb. Research scalable vector graphics, or SVGs, if you'd like to learn more.

DO add icons. Not only are icons easy on the eyes, depending on how they're designed, but they can be rather intuitive as well. Keep in mind that there's only so much space on smartphone and tablet screens, meaning that designers must use tricks. Icons are big enough to tap with a simple press of the button, but they aren't too large to where they take away from the rest of the site. This is yet another rule of mobile design to follow.

DON'T allow your mobile site to go live while untested. As a matter of fact, there are numerous problems that can arise by not testing a site before it goes live. Everything from broken links to constant slowdown can be seen, and to say that these problems reinforce the importance of testing would be an understatement. Make sure that every asset is tested before your mobile platform is live. You'll be happy that you took this additional effort.

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mardi 22 août 2017

4 Reasons Web Design New York Companies Use AI Support

By Arthur Williams

Have you ever clicked onto a website, only for a chat window to pop up at the bottom with someone offering their assistance? If so, you might have been greeted by what's known as AI support. There are many web design New York companies that use this tool, and for good reasons. The worth that it provides in the long term cannot be overlooked. Here are 4 reasons why more companies like these should follow suit.

Web design New experts know that AI support is beneficial in terms of the support it offers. With around-the-clock assistance, visitors will be able to receive the information they're looking for. In addition, they won't have to worry about time, as artificial intelligence doesn't need to sleep. This is a striking benefit, to say the least, but there are many others that companies along the lines of Avatar New York can draw attention to.

You should also be mindful of the fact that AI support can work in real time. It's important to note that, in the digital age we live in today, the average person expects responses rather quickly. With this type of support in place, if you were to inquire a purchase you made or a product you're interested in, any important details will be given immediately. It's a great benefit, to say the least, and only adds to the value that this type of support offers.

Another reason why AI support is used is cost. To be more specific, it doesn't cost much to keep this piece of software functioning on a routine basis. In other words, you can keep it operational without having to break the bank in the process. For business owners that are concerned about expenses on the web design front, rest easy knowing that this particular tool won't set you back as much as you might think.

Lastly, if you're still on the fence about incorporating AI support, understand that it can further your reputation as a thought leader. Someone with this job title is looked at as an expert in the business world, even beyond their own industry at times. If your website is functional enough to have artificial intelligence, it will be looked at greater reverence. Anyone that works in web design will be able to tell you the same.

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