mercredi 19 juillet 2017

Why Links Must Function Correctly In New York Web Design

By Arthur Williams

Have you ever clicked on a link, only to be directed to a 404 or error page? This is a direct result of said link being broken, which can hurt even the strongest New York web design efforts. Why are these links so crucial to fix, though? Why should designers hone in on these problems so that they're accounted for as soon as possible? Hopefully the following information will give you a better understanding as to how broken links hurt this endeavor.

One of the reasons why links must function correctly - and any New York web design company will agree - is that broken ones can take users out of their respective experiences. Not only do these links lead people to different pages than expected, but it can make navigation more difficult than it should be. While it might go without saying, prospective customers can be turned away by this circumstance. There is more to tell, though, and names such as Avatar New York will be able to explain more.

Another way that broken links can hurt is with a loss in traffic. Even though one user being turned away seems like no big deal, multiple people having the same poor user experience adds up. What this means is that your traffic will continue to decrease until you start to see little to no movement on your site. If you want to keep your users around for the long term, you'd be wise to fix any links that lead to error pages.

Finally, even a single broken link can negatively impact your SEO efforts. It's important to note that search engines, Google especially, have placed more weight on websites that are fully functional. This includes the quality of the links that they house, meaning that yours should operate as intended. If there's even a single 404 error page, your rankings will decrease across the board. Fixing these links will eventually help your rankings, as any Internet marketing company will attest.

While these are important reasons to fix your links, understand that they are just a few. You can learn much by consulting a New York web design specialist, seeing as how they have most likely experienced this sort of problem in the past. However, despite how detrimental said problem is to one's web design efforts, it can be corrected. It's a simple matter of how much attention is kept on links, particularly those that fail to function as they should.

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Web Design New York: 4 Important Reasons Why SEO Matters

By Arthur Williams

In the digital age we live in, more and more people are finding what they need online. It doesn't matter if it's a new TV, a fancy suit, or even a week's worth of groceries; it seems like virtually anything can be obtained by way of the Internet. Web design New York specialists across the board can agree, which brings us to the topic of SEO. For those that are familiar with web design, you know what this term entails. For others, here are 4 reasons why web design efforts must feature an SEO element.

First, SEO has the benefit of working hand-in-hand with ecommerce. If you're going to sell anything online, you have to make sure that you can be found. Any web design New York company will agree, which is why SEO matters. Keep in mind that around 80 percent of people shop online these days; it's in your best interest to target these shoppers as best as you can. This is where the aforementioned marketing strategy comes into play.

Another reason why an SEO element is needed is because it often results in better websites. No matter what you're trying to sell or offer to the public, few will buy into your brand if your website is poorly optimized. Not only should it have high-quality content for people to sink their teeth into, but it must be presented in a way that it can transfer across numerous devices. Responsive web design is one of the most important rules of SEO that Internet marketing companies can attest to.

What about keyword research, which is an ongoing SEO practice in its own right? Even though a company focus on specific terms, this doesn't mean that they're limited to the terms in question. As a matter of fact, as business develops, there might be a need for more keywords, which is where this level of research comes into play. Companies such as Avatar New York will tell you that this is another important rule of SEO to follow.

Perhaps the most important reason why SEO matters in web design is because, simply put, most people are doing it now. Even if you don't think that they're actively involved, many companies work with SEO in mind. If they're going to rank, they must keep this strategy at the forefront. If you let this strategy go unrecognized, it can have negative consequences for your brand. This is why you should look into the strategy in question as soon as possible.

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dimanche 9 juillet 2017

Long Island SEO: How To Increase Your Site's Domain Authority

By Rob Sutter

For those that don't know, "domain authority" is a term used to define how well a website will rank on various search engines, Google included. In other words, the greater your site's domain authority is, the higher it will rank for relevant terms. If you're new to the business world, chances are that you'd like to know how to increase your site's authority. Here are some of the best methods that those in Long Island SEO can offer.

One of the ways to increase your site's domain authority is by ensuring that it's mobile-friendly. Anyone that works in Long Island SEO will agree, seeing as how web design is taking more of a priority in this respect. If your site doesn't translate as well to smartphones as it does to computers, its authority is going to take a serious hit. Fortunately, this is where the services of companies like fishbat can come into play.

Next, make sure that the links on your website work as they should. To be more specific, they shouldn't be broken. If they lead a user to a place that they didn't expect, such as a 404 error page, expect to see your site's domain authority take a hit. You won't have to worry about this, though, provided you check your links for the sake of functionality. There are different pieces of software that can take care of this, which will save you considerable time.

Finally - and this might be the most important step of all - create plenty of content for your site. When you're able to produce links on your site, it can have a substantial impact. However, you have to make sure that the content in question engages people. Everything from blog posts to infographics are likely to grab the attention of your audience at large. When this happens, your domain authority will climb.

SEO is interesting in the sense that there are numerous variables to account for. Needless to say, domain authority plays a major role in how likely a site is to rank. There are quite a few ways that it can be increased, but you should know that these are just a few methods to take into account. By taking the time to learn more about domain authority, perhaps you'll find yourself ranking for certain keywords sooner than expected.

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jeudi 6 juillet 2017

The Avenues That New York Web Design Companies Must Cover

By Arthur Williams

New York web design companies can prove useful, but it would be a lie to say that website development is all that they offer. As a matter of fact, these companies can cover a number of avenues, meaning that clients can be serviced in a number of ways. What are some of the avenues in question, you may wonder? Here are the most important ones that will be able to help your business from a digital perspective.

Writing - Any New York web design company can tell you that writing is part and parcel of online business. For example, if you want to cover a piece of news pertaining to your business, you'll want to send out a press release. This PR can only be created with high-quality writing, which can be used to expand your website from a content standpoint. This is just one of the many services recommended by reputable names such as Avatar New York.

SEO - Do you want to be found on search engines? If so, SEO is the service that you should take advantage of. There are many mysteries surrounding SEO, but the truth remains that specialists will be able to stay on top of the game, incorporating it in a number of ways that will allow you to be found. As a matter of fact, this is one of the most desired services that an Internet marketing company will be able to provide.

Marketing - Finally, if you're discussing the services that complement website design best, you're going to want to talk about marketing. This is especially true in the digital age that we live in today, as there are many features that businesses can take advantage of. These go beyond social media capabilities, as streaming video and podcasts can help to put websites over the top. Anyone that specializes in web design will tell you that marketing is a must.

These are perhaps the most important avenues that should be taken, in addition to web design. It's important for all of these to be incorporated so that your digital game becomes stronger, not only in terms of awareness of your brand but the ability to move products. The Internet has grown so much in the past few decades and it's unlikely to stop expanding anytime soon. Needless to say, it's important to get the most out of digital media as possible.

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jeudi 29 juin 2017

4 Benefits Of Single Page Websites Related To Long Island SEO

By Arthur Williams

Websites come in many forms, but the single page version has become especially popular as of late. Not only are these platforms easy to navigate, but the fact that they provide substantial information cannot be ignored. These sites tend to be underrated in the sense of search engine optimization, which shouldn't be the case. For those that would like to know about the Long Island SEO perks of single page sites, here are just 4 to be mindful of.

If you want to know what the benefits of single page websites entail, ease of use cannot be ignored. As a matter of fact, this is what many people will immediately make note of when they click onto a site like this. Instead of having to click around multiple pages to get all of the information they need, they can get everything they need on one. This is just one of many benefits related to Long Island SEO that should be noted.

Did you know that single page websites tend to be more responsive, able to be easily accessed on different platforms? Keep in mind that desktop computers aren't the only devices that are used to access the Internet. As a matter of fact, with more and more people using smartphones and tablets, mobile-friendly design goes a long way. Single page sites will be able to hold up in this respect, too.

Another perk of single page sites, believe it or not, is that many of them are text-heavy. This is great for the purposes of SEO, as search engines hone in on content that is rich with keywords and overall quality alike. The more valuable a piece of content is, the better its chances of ranking become. Anyone that specializes in SEO, names like included, will tell you that text matters for any website that's created.

What about customization, which is a single page site perk that tends to go overlooked? One of the biggest reasons why these sites are used is that they can be modified in a number of ways, all the while keeping performance at a high level. This can be a problem, though, as certain pieces of content can slow down performance. You'd be surprised by how much of a crawl a site comes to when photos and videos are prominent. Web designers must be aware of this when making changes in the future.

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samedi 17 juin 2017

Essential Typography Do's And Don'ts For Any Web Design Company

By Arthur Williams

Typography, which is the art of arranging text, is one of the most critical aspects of website development. As a matter of fact, it would be safe to assume that your local web design company is able to use it well. What you may not know about typography is that it entails a process that must be handed with great care. In order to get the most out of this as possible, here are the essential do's and don'ts that you should be aware of.

DO keep readability in mind. One of the most important aspects of typography, as supported by the likes of Lounge Lizard, is readability. After all, your work should be legible so that it doesn't come across as sloppy. This is one of the reasons why your local web design company will handle typography with the utmost care. By treating this element with respect, the sites that said company is responsible for will be better off.

DON'T underestimate the size of text. As anyone that specializes in typography will tell you, different text sizes come together in order to create a sense of hierarchy. What this means is that each size will possess a different level of importance. For example, if basic-sized text is used for most copy, much larger text can serve as headlines and sub-headers alike. As you'll come to learn, text size serves more than simply cosmetic purposes.

DO utilize fonts that speak to brands. When building a website for a brand, it's important to note how well a font matches it. For example, Comic Sans is known for being a sillier, lighthearted font, meaning that it won't be able to reflect every brand perfectly. What this means is that if you run a wine shop, for example, the aforementioned font won't work. There has to be a sense of communication between these elements to prove successful.

DON'T let your words become overly crowded. As a matter of fact, if you have space on your website, take advantage of it. One of the most common mistakes in typography is keeping your text crowded. What this does, in theory, is make what you have to say difficult to read. This can result in your messages becoming lost, regardless of how rich they are. This is one of the most important factors to remember when discussing typography.

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vendredi 16 juin 2017

3 Methods For Improving User Experiences In Web Design New York

By Arthur Williams

Web design New York experts understand that there are many factors that go into the development of a website. One of the most important is the user experience, which can go in a number of directions depending on how well-made a site is. If you want to keep things positive, in this sense, there are a few ways that it can be done. As a matter of fact, by following these 3 tips, you'll have more people visiting your site and sticking around for the long term.

If you want to know how to improve your website's user experience, make sure that there is a sense of flow set in place. Let's say that, for the sake of argument, that you're on a website that's clunky with its navigation. This is a poor example of flow, which the likes of Avatar New York will attest. Fortunately, your local web design New York company can build upon this facet, making it stronger. This is just the start to the improvement of user experience.

It's also worth noting that user experience can be improved by maintaining a website's consistency. If the homepage looks one way, that general appearance should carry over onto the other internal pages as well. If one of these pages looks drastically different from the others, it's safe to say that it doesn't do consistency any favors. If anything, it will hurt the website, not only in terms of traffic but search engine rankings as well.

Lastly, you must keep popups, either in ad-form or otherwise, away from your site. Did you know that Google has cracked down on websites that have one too many popups? What happens, as a result, is that they start to lose ground in terms of search. Web designers would be wise to take note, eliminating popups for a smoother user experience. This will benefit a website in the long term, as it will be more positively received by visitors.

These are just a few tips that can go a long way in ensuring a more positive user experience for your website. Anyone that works in web design should know that the user comes first. As a result, it's important to build the site around what they will see and do, as opposed to taking a guess or veering off track. If you keep said tips in the back of your mind, however, your site will flourish in the long term.

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