dimanche 30 septembre 2018

4 Types Of Content Every Long Island SEO Expert Knows

By Arthur Williams

Perhaps the strongest pillar of any Long Island SEO campaign is content. This comes in a number of forms and they perform to certain degrees as well. Nonetheless, each category can lead to long-term success, provided the content itself is created with care. For those that are unfamiliar with the types of content that should be included in search engine optimization efforts, here are just 4 that you should be mindful of.

Press Releases - To start off, press releases are relatively common in the world of marketing. According to names such as www.fishbat.com, this type of content can be used for a variety of purposes. While they're largely used for news distribution, they can also provide useful tips and company insights, just to name a few examples. It's a simple matter of what the company wants to share with the public.

Podcasts - Have you ever turned on a podcast during your daily commute or when there's downtime at your office? If so, you should know that these shows can be used to help businesses as well. The fact that they can provide entertainment and news via audio is notable enough, but the fact that they span different industries can't be ignored. Podcasts have proven fruitful in everything from sports and technology to food and travel, which is a testament to their influence.

Websites - Of course, no SEO campaign would be complete without a focus on the websites being promoted. This type of content serves a bevy of purposes and many of the changes that can be made on it will impact rankings. If your site isn't responsive, it won't rank as well as you may expect. If there are broken links, progress won't be made until they're fixed. These are just a few areas that an experienced web designer can focus on.

Videos - While we are on the subject of heavily consumed content, videos can prove useful for SEO purposes as well. This is especially true when you look at sites like YouTube, which allow videos to be optimized via their description boxes. These can include keywords and relevant links alike, but be mindful of how many you include. As long as you descriptions flow and your content is engaging, your videos will make a noticeable SEO impact.

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mardi 25 septembre 2018

Robert Jain: The Do's And Don'ts Of Keeping Web Design Inexpensive

By Jason McDonald

Two of the most important goals that a business owner should strive for is creating a solid website and saving money. You may not believe that these two ideals could coincide with one another, but they are actually closer than you think. Keeping costs low is important, as the likes of Robert Jain, but this shouldn't come at the expense of your website's quality. Here are some cost-effective do's and don'ts that will make creating a site as stress-free as possible.

Web design can be kept cost-effective in many ways, including focusing on minimalism. Your first instinct may be to include as many photos and videos as possible, but this is actually a grave oversight. Not only do these hinder your site's focus, but performance across numerous devices as well. It's more important to provide a solid user experience, which can be done by focusing on written copy that caters to the interests of users. Reputable names in finance such as Bob Jain will say the same.

Another way to keep web design inexpensive is by taking advantage of online resources. If you're a designer that's still learning the ropes, you may think that you have to spend hundreds of dollars on lessons that may not end up benefiting you that much. In this case, you can take advantages of resources that are either cheap or free. Furthermore, they will provide you with information, in theory, will make building websites easier.

Now that you know how to keep web design inexpensive, it's time to discuss a few ways that this can prove to be a challenge. One of the don'ts of this endeavor is by having your work go live too soon. To say that this is a mistake would be an understatement, as it's possible that errors can be overlooked. When these go live, they don't speak well to the companies they represent. Furthermore, this can end up costing you money, not to mention time and energy, that will be needed to make future edits.

Another financial misstep in the world of web design is not futureproofing your site. Even though there are certain trends that exist in this industry today, this doesn't mean that they will remain throughout history. As a matter of fact, new trends will emerge, which means that preparing for them is recommended. Failure to futureproof your site may result in you making numerous adjustments, thereby costing you money in the long term.

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samedi 15 septembre 2018

Long Island SEO: 3 Purposes Of Implementing SSL Certificates

By Rob Sutter

An SSL certificate, for those that aren't in the know, is a form of security that many modern websites are designed with. Also known as a secure sockets layer, this has become one of the must-haves of web design. It's also imperative for those that are looking to make headway from a search engine optimization standpoint. For those that would like to learn more, here are 3 reasons Long Island SEO specialists recommend SSL certificates.

To start off, SSL certificates are used to encrypt sensitive data that's given and exchanged on websites. This is especially useful for ecommerce platforms, as they deal with money and, by proxy, sensitive information related to credit and debit cards. How do you know if a site is SSL-protected, you may wonder? According to reputable authorities on marketing like fishbat, the site in question will have the prefix "https." This is a simple identifier to be mindful of.

What about the trust of current and future customers, alike? When someone shops online, they will stick to the sites that they know best, mainly because of how reputable they know said sites to be. This is another purpose of implementing an SSL certificate: it can create trust that encourages shoppers to continue giving their business to certain outlets. Without it, this sense of trust will either be lacking or lost completely.

Lastly, did you know that sites with SSL certificates are more likely to rank online? It makes sense, as search engines are placing more and more focus on sites that are safe to use. The safer your site is, the higher it is to show up when a user searches for a particular term. While you may not see immediate results with the application of an SSL certificate, you can rest easy knowing that it will make a difference in the long run.

If you're a website owner, an SSL certificate is paramount. It goes far beyond the boundaries of security, even though this is the primary focus, which is all the more reason to incorporate it. To install an SSL certificate, you can either contact your hosting company to complete the process or do it yourself. The latter is only recommended to those that are knowledgeable about websites in general, so please be mindful of this.

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